Monday, March 16, 2009

Mood disorders

Mood disorders, also known as affective disorders, mainly involve disturbances in the person's mood. The two chief mood disorders are major depression (extreme sadness) and mania (extreme happiness and overactivity). People with bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, suffer from alternating periods of depression and mania. Mood disorders are usually episodic-that is, the person experiences mood disturbances at relatively brief, distinct periods during the course of the illness. People with mood disorders typically return to normal levels of functioning after treatment.
Most people with depression feel sad, hopeless, and worthless. Many also suffer from insomnia and loss of appetite and have trouble concentrating. Some people with depression move and think slowly, but others feel restless. Some feel so hopeless and discouraged that they consider or attempt suicide. About 15 percent of people who seek treatment for depression commit suicide.
Most of these medicines have serious side effects, and all require the prescription of a doctor. For example, SSRI's can cause increased anxiety, poor sleep, nausea, and loss of sexual interest. TCA's can cause hypotension (low blood pressure), irregular heartbeat, and constipation. MAOI's may combine with certain foods or drugs to create life-threatening hypertension (high blood pressure).
In Homœopathic treatment there are excellent remedies which prove very effective without any side effects. I have cured a lot of patient Depression, Bipolar disorder, Mood disorders and many other mental diseases.
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If you are feeling some problem you may contact trough e-mail for solving your mental problems. For this purpose Performa for case be filled and sent by mail.

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