Homeopathy is the natural way to ensure a child’s health. It is a holistic treatment that provides an alternative way to treat common illnesses without the need for costly allopathic antibiotics and pain relieving medicine. Homeopathic remedies are safe, natural, fast acting and effective. There are many proponents for and against homeopathy but this website does not focus on the debate. It provides cures for common childhood problems and is based on personal experience and tried and tested remedies. The website does not necessarily abide by the classical view but focuses on effective cures and remedies. It is an over the counter approach and all information provided may be used at the sole risk of the practitioner without any liability accepted by the website. Information and remedies are provided in good faith and any parent is free to try them. All natural common sense precautions should be taken while treating any problem. In case of any emergency or persistent problem, a trained doctor should naturally be consulted. This website is not a substitute for a doctor and only provides over the counter treatment and advice.
Homeopathy has a good track record at treating first aid cases and certain acute diseases. These two kinds of complaints can be treated by homeopathy with a little guidance. The parent can symptomatically provide the remedies to the child for immediate relief. Chronic cases where the disease persists for a long time, recurs and gets worse over time are better treated by a trained homeopath where long term treatment over a few months may be required.
This link provides information on the basic principles of classical homeopathy.
Homeopathy works on the basis of Symptoms. The parent needs to study the symptoms being exhibited by the child; physical and mental/ psychological and then pick the remedy. The homeopathic remedy works almost immediately if the correct symptom is selected. Normally improvement can be seen after a few doses. If there is no relief within 12- 24 hours, the parent may need to change the remedy or consult a professional doctor. There may be different remedies suggested depending upon different symptoms. It is important to match the symptoms to the remedy to have an effective cure.
Homeopathic Remedies
This is a common problem with children. Normally the only recourse is antibiotics, which leave a child week and nauseated. Homeopathy provides many effective and safe cures for this problem. However there are many medicines and remedies that may be given depending upon the predominant symptom being exhibited. If the parent and/or homeopathic practitioner are able to ‘get’ the correct symptom, cure is almost instantaneous within a couple of hours at the most. The trick is to observe the child carefully.
Symptoms:-Diarrhea caused by an inability to digest milk.-During teething.
Recommended Remedy:
Aethusa 30C given every half and hour for a couple of hours ( four doses) and then once every four hours for 2- 3 days will normally help.
If the child is unable to control the passing of stools, the following remedy is very effective.
-Diarrhoea with lots of wind.
-Inability to control the passing of stool. The child dirties his undergarments.
-Insecurity of the rectum.
Recommended Remedy:
Give one dose of Nux Vomica 200C and the start with the below mentioned remedy. Repeat one dose of Nux Vomica 200C every day in the morning during the course of the treatment.
Aloe 30C given 4-6 times with a gap of 15 minutes will normally give immediate relief. This medicine may be continued for 3 days, given 3-4 times a day till the problem sorts itself out completely.
If Diarrhoea is observed after ingesting bad food the following will help.
-After bad food.
-Vomiting and Diarrhoea together.
-Weakness, Chill, thirst.
Recommended Remedy:
Arsenic Album 30C given every half an hour for 4-6 doses will provide relief. However it is important to continue this remedy for at least 3 days every 3- 4 hours to get rid of any infection in the stomach. This remedy may be combined with Podophylum 30C especially if the stools are accompanied with lot of profuse shooting Diarrhea and if there are cramps. In this case alternate Arsenic Album with Podophylum.
Another remedy is Veratrum Album 30C which may be tried if above does not work in severe cases of bad food disorder.
Symptoms:-Diarrhoea with stomach pains (colic)-Offensive green slimy stools.-Rotten smelling stools-Nausea
Recommended Remedy:Give one dose of Ipecacuanha 200C and the start with the below mentioned remedy. Give one dose of Ipecacuanha 200C every day in the morning during the course of the treatment.
Chamomilla 30C given every half an hour for 4-6 doses is normally effective. Continue the remedy for 3 days reducing the dosage to 3-4 times a day.
If there is Diarrhoea without any other discernable symptom the following will work.
Symptoms:-Watery painless diarrhea
Recommended Remedy:
China 30C given every half an hour for 3-6 times will normally stop the motions. Continue for 3 more days reducing dosage to 3 times a day after the first day.
Symptoms:-Acidity in stomach- Little appetite-Diarrhea with no other symptoms-Offensive smell-Cramps
Recommended Remedy:
Give one dose of Sulphur 200C first thing before any other medicine and then start the below mentioned treatment. Continue with one dose of Sulphur 200C every day during the 3 days of the treatment.
Rheum 30C and Cuprum 30C given alternatively every one hour will normally help. Continue the treatment for 3 days reducing the dosage to 4 times a day after the first day.
Tip: Confused? Check carefully the symptoms before giving remedy. If one remedy combination is not working after 3 – 4 doses, shift to another combination. Relief must be experienced after 3 doses. If there is no change in the child’s position even after the above remedies, rush the child to a hospital for professional treatment. It is also important to keep the child hydrated during Diarrhea to prevent fluid loss.
This is severe abdominal pain with varying intensity. It is common in babies and small infants causing many sleepless nights. There are easy cures in homeopathy if the symptoms are correctly identified.
Symptoms:-Colic accompanying teething and diarrhea with green stools.
-Irritable child wanting to be carried for relief.-Colic after breastfeeding.
Recommended Remedy:
Pulsatilla 30C may be alternated with Chamomilla 30C every fifteen minutes. This remedy should give relief after 4-6 doses. It may be continued every 2 hours after the first 2 hours of fifteen-minute doses. Stop the remedy after 8-12 hours. However if diarrhea persists, check the link on this website for treatment.
The child may experience relief in pains by bending his/her body in a specific way. Check the below mentioned symptoms very carefully before going in for a remedy.
-Colic pain is alleviated when child bend double or pressure is applied to the affected area.
-Better after warm applications and warm drinks.
Recommended Remedy:
Magnesia Phosphorica 30C may be alternated with Colocynth 30C every 15 minutes for 6-8 doses for relief. Continue every hour after the first 2 hours for one full day. This should normally give relief.
Symptoms:-Colic Pains worse when the child bends forward.-Child may arch body backward for relief or try to straighten the body for temporary relief.
Recommended Remedy:
Dioscorea 30C may be given every half an hour for 4-6 doses for relief.
Tip:Study the symptoms carefully before starting a treatment. Check the child carefully for his actions such as –better on carrying, better on arching body, better on bending forward etc, before selecting the homeopathic remedy. Relief should be felt within 4 doses. Try alternative medicines if no relief is experienced within 2 hours.
Throat Complaints and inflamed Tonsils
Homeopathy has excellent remedies for throat problems and children usually respond very well to this treatment. Select the remedy carefully before applying same. Some of the common effective remedies are given below. Incase none help; you will need the help of a trained Homeopath.
Symptoms:-Beginning of throat problem-Complaint comes on suddenly (with fever)-Pale face, red/pink cheeks
Recommended Remedy:When the problem just starts and suddenly comes on very strongly, it is recommended that the child be given Belladonna 30C and Aconite 30C alternatively, every half an hour for at least 2- 3 hours. This treatment may be preceded with one dose of Ferrum Phosphoricum 200C. If you see the remedy as helpful, continue for 2- 3 days with one dose of Ferrum Phos 200C given first thing in the morning.
If the problem is already well established then check symptoms carefully before treatment.
Symptoms:-Swollen tonsils with stinging pain-Hard swollen glands.-Pain extending to ear
Recommended Remedy:Give one dose of Hepar Sulphuris 200C and then start alternating Apis Mellifica 30C and Baryta Muriaticum 30C every 15 minutes for 3 hours. Reduce dosage as relief is felt. Continue for at least 3- 4 days but remember to give Hepar Sulphuris 200C once a day.
This should normally be enough to control most infected tonsils.
An alternative remedy for a different set of symptoms is given below.
Symptoms:-Child is sensitive to both heat and cold. Alternatively feeling hot and cold.-Excessive salivation and dribbling.-Offensive stinking breath, pus formation.-Red tonsils
Recommended Remedy:Alternate Mercurius Vivus 30C with Belladonna 30C every 15 minutes for 3 hours. Continue treatment after reducing frequency till relief is felt. Please note if Salivation is on right side change Mercurius Vivus to Mercurius Iodatus Flavus 30C and if the salivation is primarily on the left side of the mouth, change to Mercurius Iodatus Ruber 30C.
Tip:Try alternating Mercurius Vivus 30C and Aconite 30C when you detect the problem in the throat. If this does not work after 4 doses of fifteen minutes each, switch to detailed symptoms.
Symptoms:-Constipation after switching from breastfeed to a formula.-Large, hard, dry stools with no urge for days.
Recommended Remedy: Alternate the use of Alumina 30C with Bryonia 30C every 2 hours for 3 days to find relief.
If the child repeatedly goes to the toilet and does not pass any stools, the following will be beneficial.
Symptoms:-Unable to completely clear the stools. A feeling of urging and as if some more is left.-Frequent small amounts of stool are passed.-No sense of urgency and stools resembling hard round black balls.
Recommended Remedy:Nux Vomica 30C will normally provide relief within a day. Give every 2 hours for a couple of days. If the child is passing hard round stools add Opium 30C, given alternatively to the treatment.
Tip:First try only Nux Vom 30C every 2 hours for a day. This normally solves the problem. Seek professional help for any long-term problems.
Vomiting can be caused by many factors including contaminated foods, worms, earaches etc. Some common symptoms and remedies are given below:
Symptoms:-Vomiting due to intolerance of milk.
Recommended Remedy:Aethusa 30C every 2 hours for 3 days should normally help. If the problem is severe, take every 15 minutes for the first 2 hours.
Symptom:-Vomiting on account of bad food -Vomiting with Diarrhea
Recommended Remedy:See the relevant section of the website on Diarrhea. The recommended remedy is Arsenic Album 30C given every half and hour for two hours then every one hour till problem is solved. Veratrum Album 30C may be alternated with Arsenic Album for severe case.
Symptom:-Infant brings up breast milk.
Recommended Remedy:Alternate Aethusa 30C with Silicea 30C every half and hour for two hours and then every hour for the next two days.
Tip: Normally vomiting will be accompanied with Diarrhoea so the section of the website dealing with this problem is relevant. Remedies that will work well are a combination of Nux Vom, Ipecacuanha and Bryonia all in 30C depending upon specific symptoms.
Normal healthy temperature of a human body is 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 Degrees F). When taken rectally it is 1 Degree F higher and the measurement taken in the armpit is normally 1 Degree F (0.5 Degree Celsius) lower. In Homeopathy, fever is not necessarily a cause of alarm. Fever is a natural way for the body to fight disease. A slightly higher body temperature may actually be good, as the body fights the infection.
You may note fever is an indication of some kind of a problem with the body. Incase other symptoms are present, consult the other sections of the website to find the appropriate remedy for that specific condition. The fever control remedies are given below.
Symptoms:-Emergency; sudden rapid onset of high fever.-Rapid pulse, anxious fearful child.-Bright Red, flushed face, with dilated pupils and red eyes.-Throbbing headache.
Recommended Remedy: Aconite and Belladonna are both indicted in this condition where there is a sudden attack of high fever. Alternate 30C potency every 15 minutes till you notices an improvement, typically within a couple of hours. Improvement may be seen in terms of better child behavior before the fever starts to come under control. Decrease frequency of medication as fever comes under control.
Symptom:-No particular symptom. Pale face
Recommended Remedy:Ferrum Phosphoricum 12C every half an hour will normally help in case of a simple fever.
Symptom:-Gradual onset of fever.-Fever comes on in humid weather and cold weather.-Great thirst-Constipation.
Recommended Remedy: Bryonia 30C is recommended. Give potency 30C every one hour till the symptoms diminish. Reduce dosage as the fever comes under control.
Tip:If nothing seems to work, give one dose of Sulphur 200C and then alternate Rhus Tox 30C and Pulsatilla 30C every 15 minutes till you find relief. If there are symptoms of Flu along with fever, check out the flu section of the website. There are a few homeopathic mixtures available in the market which works well in some cases of fever. They may also be tried.
Influenza or Flu
The most general form of this problem is given below.
Symptoms:-Flowing nose-Sniffling in the nose-Lethargic, dropping eyelids-lower back pain-slow onset of fever
Recommended Remedy:Alternate Gelsemium 30C with Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30C every 15 minutes till some relief is experienced. Reduce dosage as condition improves. If there is redness in the face and fever, Belladonna 30C may also be given alternatively after every 2 doses.
If the child feels chilly and pain in the chest then try the following.
Symptoms:-Child is chilly and must keep warm.-restlessness and anxiety-stitching pains in chest
Recommended Remedy:Give Arsenic Album 200C once a day, and then Bryonia 30C and Nux Vom 30C every half an hour. Nux Vom is especially useful when there is a chilly feeling during the flu.
Symptoms:-Profuse Mucus discharge from the nose.-Frequent urination
Recommended Remedy:Dulcamara 12C and Gelsemium 30C may be alternated every half and hour to find relief.
Symptoms:-Eyes and nose run. Upper lip sore and red.-Burning in nose -Cold symptoms-Nose is red.
Recommended Remedy:Give one dose of Pulsatilla 200C in the morning and then alternate Allium Cepa 30C and Arsenicum Album 30C every one hour. Repeat this cycle again for two days.
Tip:Normally one dose of Nux Vom 200C in the night before sleeping and then alternatively Gelsemium 30C and Belladonna 30C every half and hour will provide relief from the sniffles, red nose, onset of fever. For other symptoms refer to the above remedies.
Tooth Decay
Some young children show signs of tooth decay and retracting gums at a very young age. This tooth decay in milk teeth is especially painful because it is very difficult to treat. Young children find it difficult to handle the dentists’ chair and the drilling and filling involved which is a painful process. Find some tips on how to handle a visit to a dentist here.
-Teeth Decay next to gums
-Retracting gums
-Sensitive Teeth
-Decay in teeth
Recommended Remedy:
Give one dose of Thuja Occidentalis 200C in the morning for ten days. Rinse mouth, especially affected teeth with a strong mixture of Plantago Major mother tincher thrice a day and then drink the mixture. Prepare the mixture by mixing 10-12 drops of the mother tincher in four to five teaspoons of clean mineral water just before application. This local application should be continued for at least 30 days before you find that tooth decay has stopped and the visit to the dentist is delayed.
After the above treatment, give Kresote 30C three times a day for 7 days. This remedy helps in reducing tooth decay in new teeth. Repeat after a month or two.
This problem normally indicated poor calcium intake or absorption by the child. You may want to pick up a mixture of Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Phos in 3X or 6X from a homeopathy shop and give the child three to four small tablets at least twice
Homeopathic Remedies
Common Children (Acute) Diseases and Complaints
Coughs and Chest Complaints
There can be many similar symptoms and at times it can be difficult for a homeopath to get the correct remedy when dealing with complaints of bronchitis, coughs, chest congestion, Croup (hard metallic sounding cough), Laryngitis etc. We give below some of the common remedies which normally work in these complaints. If you feel the remedies are not having an effect even after 24 hours of trial, shift the child to the care of a trained doctor.
-Dry cough
-Dry mouth
-Thick yellow mucus, loose in the morning
Recommended Remedy:
Give a dose of Pulsatilla 200C in the morning and then alternate Bryonia 30C and Spongia Tosta 12C every hour for a day. Repeat this cycle for two more days, if you find relief. Incase, you feel or understand the cough to be allergic in nature, substitute Spongia with Phosphorus 30C to find relief.
-Rattling of mucus in chest
-Spasmodic coughing with nausea or vomiting.
-Clean pink tongue
-Excessive perspiration and salivation.
-Bad breath
-Tight constricted cough
Recommended Remedy:
With the above symptoms, there might be fever and the child is obviously very unwell. The recommended remedy is given below but if there is no relief within a few hours, it is best to move the child to the care of a professional doctor immediately.
Start with one dose of Ipecacuanha 200C. Then alternate Mercurius Vivus 30C and Phosphorus 30C every hour. Complete the cycle by giving one dose of Hepar Sulphuris 200C in the night. If relief is experienced, continue the cycle for next 5 days, otherwise move the child to professional care. After 5 days, if you find that the child has improved substantially, but there is lingering rattling of mucus in the chest, give Antimonium Tartaricum 30C, 4 times a day for 3-5 days , till you find relief.
-Croup, hoarse metallic cough.
-Restless and anxious.
-Loss of voice, Laryngitis
-Cough may end in vomiting.
Recommended Remedy:
Give one dose of Aconite 200C. Then alternate Belladonna 30C and Drosera 30C every hour for the whole day. If there is relief, continue this cycle for the next 3 days; otherwise substitute Drosera with Causticum 30C the next day. Phosphorus 30C may also be useful in treating hoarseness and can also be tried.
Throat Complaints and inflamed Tonsils
Homeopathy has excellent remedies for throat problems and children usually respond very well to this treatment. Select the remedy carefully before applying same. Some of the common effective remedies are given below. Incase none help; you will need the help of a trained Homeopath.
-Beginning of throat problem
-Complaint comes on suddenly (with fever)
-Pale face, red/pink cheeks
Recommended Remedy:
When the problem just starts and suddenly comes on very strongly, it is recommended that the child be given Belladonna 30C and Aconite 30C alternatively, every half an hour for at least 2- 3 hours. This treatment may be preceded with one dose of Ferrum Phosphoricum 200C. If you see the remedy as helpful, continue for 2- 3 days with one dose of Ferrum Phos 200C given first thing in the morning.
If the problem is already well established then check symptoms carefully before treatment.
-Swollen tonsils with stinging pain
-Hard swollen glands.
-Pain extending to ear
Recommended Remedy:
Give one dose of Hepar Sulphuris 200C and then start alternating Apis Mellifica 30C and Baryta Muriaticum 30C every 15 minutes for 3 hours. Reduce dosage as relief is felt. Continue for at least 3- 4 days but remember to give Hepar Sulphuris 200C once a day.
This should normally be enough to control most infected tonsils.
An alternative remedy for a different set of symptoms is given below.
-Child is sensitive to both heat and cold. Alternatively feeling hot and cold.
-Excessive salivation and dribbling.
-Offensive stinking breath, pus formation.
-Red tonsils
Recommended Remedy:
Alternate Mercurius Vivus 30C with Belladonna 30C every 15 minutes for 3 hours. Continue treatment after reducing frequency till relief is felt. Please note if Salivation is on right side change Mercurius Vivus to Mercurius Iodatus Flavus 30C and if the salivation is primarily on the left side of the mouth, change to Mercurius Iodatus Ruber 30C.
Tip:Try alternating Mercurius Vivus 30C and Aconite 30C when you detect the problem in the throat. If this does not work after 4 doses of fifteen minutes each, switch to detailed symptoms.
Mouth Ulcers
A few children have a tendency to develop mouth ulcers. These can be quite painful and the child may complain of a burning tingling feeling in the mouth. Child may have discomfort while trying to eat anything.
-Thick white coating on tongue.
-Raw red burning ulcers.
-Offensive breath and lots of salivation.
Recommended Remedy:
Give one dose of Antimonium Crudum 200C and then alternate Arsenicum Album 30C and Mercurius Vivus 30C every hour. Decrease dosage as improvement is felt. Repeat this cycle for 3-5 days.
If the above does not work, try Sulphur 30C and Kali Muraticum 30C alternatively every hour for 4 doses. If there is improvement continue for 3 days.
Nettle Rash – Hives
The skin has raised botchy patches. There is usually severe itching and swelling. They may be caused by allergies.
-Itchy red blotches worse which are better for cool applications.
-After insect bites or bee stings.
Recommended Remedy:
Give Apis Mellifica 30C every hour till swelling reduces.
If the symptoms feel better for warm application then try a different remedy.
-Hot red eruptions which feel better with warm or hot application.
Recommended Remedy:
Try alternating Rhus Tox 30C with Arsenicum Album 30C every hour till relief is experienced. Reduce and finally stop the remedy when the botches go away. It may take up to 3 days.
If the nettle rash is not responding to above remedies, try a few doses of Urtica Urens 12C every hour. Local application of the mother tincher slightly diluted with clean water will also help.
Eye Problems – Conjunctivitis
This is an inflammation of the delicate lining that covers the eyeballs. It can be allergic in nature or be caused by a bacterial or viral infection.
-Puffy swelling of eyelids
-Burning stinging eye pain
-Very red and bloodshot eyes with sensitivity to light.
-Thick pus like creamy discharge.
Recommended Remedy:
Give Argentum Nitricum 30C alternating with Apis Mellifica 30C every hour for four to six hours. In case no relief is seen, replace Apis Mellifica with Belladonna 30C.
In case discharge from the eyes if of a different kind, the remedy needs to be changed.
-Thick, bland yellow green discharge
-Red eyes with sensation of sand or grit in the eyes.
-Eyes stick together.
Recommended Remedy:
Give the child one dose of Arsenicum Album 200C and then start Pulsatilla 30C alternating with Rhus Tox 30C every hour till relief is felt. Repeat cycle for 2 more days reducing dosage to once every 2 hours.
Eye Problem - Styes
These may be described as small boils or pimples on the eyelids.
-Swollen eyelid with burning stinging pains.
-Few other symptoms.
-Sty slowly comes to a head and is painful to touch.
Recommended Remedy:
Give one dose of Hepar Sulphuris 200C and then alternate Pulsatilla 30C with Apis Mellifica 30C every hour till relief is seen. Repeat the cycle for 3 more days reducing the dosage slowly as relief is felt.
Nappy Rash- Diaper Rash
A baby can suffer from nappy rash on account of change in the milk, acidic urine or stool and also due to an allergen. Disposable diapers can help to an extent but they do not solve the problem.
-Red rash between the buttocks, around the genitals and also extending on the back.
Recommended Remedy:
Try giving Sulphur 30C every two hours for 4- 6 doses to fix the problem. Prepare a Calendula lotion by mixing 10-15 drops of the mother tincher in half a cup of clear mineral water and applying locally on the rash two to three times a day. Stop when relief is seen.
Bedwetting can only be considered a ‘problem’ if the child is over 6 years old. This may be caused by delay in maturity of the part of the brain that controls urination, tension and stress or the child may simply be seeking attention in the night.
-Child wets the bed soon after falling to sleep.
-Involuntary urination during the day when excited.
Recommended Remedy:
Give three doses of Causticum 200C with a gap of 10 minutes each (for only one day) and then observe for a week. This remedy is to be given only once and not to be repeated for the whole week.
If there is no relief, try giving Equisetum 200C. Give three doses as above and observe for a week.
Travel Sickness
Some children feel nauseated and may vomit while traveling in cars, trains, boats and aero planes. Try homeopathy for relief.
-Severe nausea while traveling in a car or boat.
-The motion of the vehicle may induce vomiting and vertigo.
-Child must lie down to feel comfortable.
Recommended Remedy:
Start giving the child Cocculus 30C three times a day a couple of days before the journey. During the journey, repeat every half an hour to an hour to keep the symptoms at bay.
In case you feel Cocculus is not working, switch to Petroleum 30C.
These two remedies work in most cases
. Exam Nerves
Homeopathy can help in calming stress and help in keeping a focused mind during the exams. Try these remedies to find an improvement in your child’s performance.
-The child’s mind goes completely blank as he or she sits down to write.
-Exhausted from studying.
Recommended Remedy:
Try giving Anacardium 30C and Picric Acid 30C alternating every two hours, a day before the exam. Give a dose each before the exam.
These are inflamed, painful red bumps which may develop a core of pus. They may appear on any part of the body and make the child irritable and painful all over.
-Red inflamed Area
-Painful burning pains
-Pus has not yet formed.
Recommended Remedy:
Alternate Belladonna 30C and Arsenicum Album 30C every hour till relief is felt. This is effective only when pus has not formed and the boils are still developing on the body.
When the boils are angry and red and pus has formed, a different remedy is required.
-Severe boils
-Burning stinging pains. Pus has formed.
-Large boils, purple in color.
Recommended Remedy:
Give one dose of Sulphur 200C. Then alternate Anthracinum 30C with Terentula Cubensis 30C every hour till relief is seen. Decrease dosage as improvement is seen. Repeat cycle for 2- 3 days.
Tip:If child is suffering from repeated boils, long term treatment by a good homeopath may be recommended.
Baby Acne –Milk Crusts
These are small white pustules on the cheeks and forehead of the baby. These white pustules may spread all over the body of the baby and normally allopathic practitioners will recommend antibiotics. However, homeopathy can be effective in clearing up this problem.
As the problem starts, homeopathy can help as follows:
-Bright red inflammation.
Recommended Remedy:
Give Aconite 30C and Rhus Tox 30C alternatively every two hours. Reduce dosage as relief is experienced.
If the condition has already deteriorated to scabs with pus an alternate remedy may be required.
Symptoms:-Offensive odor from urine/stools/breath/sweat.-Scabs with yellow pus.-Itching.
Recommended Remedy:Give Sulphur 30C alternatively with Viola Tricolor 30C every two hours till relief is experienced.
Monday, March 23, 2009
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excellent this is really very helpful.